Thursday, November 21, 2013

fall, traditions, & thankful

Well, here lately, I have been going outside and trying to do some walking. It kinda helps me to unwind after a long day of school, and I can truly say that every time I go outside it seems to be getting colder and colder. So, fall is definitely here. I also can't believe that November is almost over, Thanksgiving is a week away, and I also can't believe how fast Christmas is approaching! I am very excited about Thanksgiving for three reasons. First, we don't have any school! whoop whoop! :) Second, the FOOD! In our house, we don't eat breakfast or lunch, and eat the Thanksgiving meal around 1 or 2. And then we play games outside and eat throughout the rest of the day! The last thing, is that it makes me look back, think, and realize all the things that I am thankful for and for all the traditions that we have.  It is also a tradition of ours to go to the movies the very next day. If we do end up going, we will probably end up seeing Thor! Which I hear is awesome and worth going to see. Within the next week we normally go and get a Christmas tree. :) Which I am super excited about! 
This year for Thanksgiving we are having my sister and her husband, along with some friends over for Thanksgiving. It is a semi-small gathering, but it is still going to be super fun. What's your Thanksgiving tradition? I would love to hear in the comments below!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Instagram Photos

Well, here are a few photos that show what I have been up to! We have been to Carters mountain, exercising outside on beautiful days, went to a concert at Liberty, went to a rodeo, hanging out with our neighbor, and of course studying! Also today we had our first SNOW! It was little and lasted for like two minutes, but still it was our first. It certainly has put me in the Christmas season!

I hope that you are all enjoying this thanksgiving season as it is quickly approaching. :)

Monday, November 11, 2013


As a student in high school, with a job, and trying to make time to spend with my friends and church can get extremely hectic. So, over the past weeks, since my last post, I have been super busy with school, writing papers, doing projects, going to teen events, and so much more. 
School: Going as well as can be expected. I tend to stay very busy ALL the TIME! It is annoying and I have come to find out that I do not enjoy Geometry. It is one subject that I strongly dislike. Besides that, it is going as well as can be expected. Well, here are some picture that show what we have been doing for the past couple of weeks:
This is a picture of the second football game that I have attended. It was a UVA home game and they lost, but it was fun going with my dad, siblings, and a friend. 
            A photo of us on the way back from the movies. We went to see Ender's Game. I would not recommend it to anyone. Not that it is a bad movie, it is just very boring and would have rather waited to go and see a different movie. But it was fun going out with the family.
 The movie theater!
 Just a picture of a beautiful day outside!
We went with some friends from church to a concert at Liberty. It is a band called Passion. It was super fun and I recommend anyone to go and see them, if they are ever in your area. 
 Family outing. Went out to eat, went shopping, me and my sister got our hair cut (for the first time since about 3 months ago), and we went to the movies. All in all, it was a pretty great day!:) 
 At the UVA game!
Well, these are photos from the past couples weeks. It has been busy, fun, and tiring with school. I hope that you are all doing well, and  hope that you are enjoying this fall weather!

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