Sunday, March 23, 2014

God's Not Dead

So, I know that I haven't blogged for about half a year...a lot has happened since then! I have grown and experienced things that have changed me completely. We are all doing well. We are busy with church, preparing for camp this summer, working, and so much more. So, here is a little information on everyone:
Dad: Doing well, and busy with work. Since my last post, he has become the teen Sunday school teacher. He loves it and he is certainly a great teacher. 
Mom: Mom is still Mom. Still constantly busy, and feeding people:) Please pray for her though, because if you know my mom, you know how much she loves her dogs and one dog is really sick and has something wrong with his spine and if he doesn't get better soon, she might have to put him down. Other than that she is busy working at a flower shop in Orange. 
Jon: He is busy with school and hopefully getting a job this summer. He is going to be working on a horse farm with about 27 horses. He is scared of horses by the way, and I don't think that he will last long there, but its a job and its better than his alternative...working at Food Lion. He absolutely hates the idea of working there. So, hopefully, if everything works out he will be working there this summer. He is doing well in school, but can not wait to be finished. 
Katie: She is doing well and busy with school, and friend drama. But other than that she has really grown to love fashion! She loves matching and buying new cloths, which is good for me, because I really don't have an eye for fashion. Its really funny, I will walk in her room sometimes and I will either get a NO or I Love It! She is my fashion inspiration:) But other than that she has been semi-faithfully walking with her friend down the street.
Harleigh: Most of you know the situation, and if not I am not going to go into detail. As you guys know I am a very private person, but I will say that she could use your prayers. Like I, I pray for her everyday. I do not know or understand God's will or why, but I do know that God can take a bad situation and change it for good.
Lastly me! So, I have been super busy with school, preparing for college, preparing for the SAT, working, and going to be getting my license this summer, and so much more. This last week was exams, and on top of that I worked some. It was certainly very busy and stressful. But like always I pulled through, and did very well. Those of you who know the situation, which is probably everyone reading this, I have certainly struggled. I always feel like something is missing, and continually praying for wisdom and guidance. I am a very BIG worrier, and don't like to share my feelings with anyone. So, many times I feel alone, and like so many times without answers. And this is where the blog post title comes in...We went to see the movie, God's Not Dead, and it was so encouraging and was really what I needed. I know that it looks like a FFF (feature family film - homemade movie), but it was definitely worth it! Like so many thought, I just knew that it was some homemade movie, not worth seeing, poorly made and acted. The acting and movie was nothing like Thor: The Dark world, but the meaning is what made it so much more. I recommend anyone and everyone to at least watch it all the way through at least once. With all of that said, and this mornings Sunday school lesson has shown me how much and close He really is. I hope and pray that you will  all continue to pray for me, and my family. I love my sister with all of my heart, and this is why I am so hurt, and have so much heartache. I hope this does not cause you any concern, but your prayer are appreciated!
Here are some recent photos: 
All the Birthdays in January! 
Starbucks.....Oh how I love you! 

                                                           And a picture of me! 
                      One of my new outfits....everything from Old Navy and this whole outfit only cost
                                                                       about $25!

                                                               A Beautiful Day!
                                                              Me and my little sis!:)<3
                               Another outfit! Not my favorite purse, but definitely love this outfit!
                                  My friend will be sad to see her leave for college this Fall:(

                                                                   the girlz!:)
I hope that you are having a great day!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

fall, traditions, & thankful

Well, here lately, I have been going outside and trying to do some walking. It kinda helps me to unwind after a long day of school, and I can truly say that every time I go outside it seems to be getting colder and colder. So, fall is definitely here. I also can't believe that November is almost over, Thanksgiving is a week away, and I also can't believe how fast Christmas is approaching! I am very excited about Thanksgiving for three reasons. First, we don't have any school! whoop whoop! :) Second, the FOOD! In our house, we don't eat breakfast or lunch, and eat the Thanksgiving meal around 1 or 2. And then we play games outside and eat throughout the rest of the day! The last thing, is that it makes me look back, think, and realize all the things that I am thankful for and for all the traditions that we have.  It is also a tradition of ours to go to the movies the very next day. If we do end up going, we will probably end up seeing Thor! Which I hear is awesome and worth going to see. Within the next week we normally go and get a Christmas tree. :) Which I am super excited about! 
This year for Thanksgiving we are having my sister and her husband, along with some friends over for Thanksgiving. It is a semi-small gathering, but it is still going to be super fun. What's your Thanksgiving tradition? I would love to hear in the comments below!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Instagram Photos

Well, here are a few photos that show what I have been up to! We have been to Carters mountain, exercising outside on beautiful days, went to a concert at Liberty, went to a rodeo, hanging out with our neighbor, and of course studying! Also today we had our first SNOW! It was little and lasted for like two minutes, but still it was our first. It certainly has put me in the Christmas season!

I hope that you are all enjoying this thanksgiving season as it is quickly approaching. :)

Monday, November 11, 2013


As a student in high school, with a job, and trying to make time to spend with my friends and church can get extremely hectic. So, over the past weeks, since my last post, I have been super busy with school, writing papers, doing projects, going to teen events, and so much more. 
School: Going as well as can be expected. I tend to stay very busy ALL the TIME! It is annoying and I have come to find out that I do not enjoy Geometry. It is one subject that I strongly dislike. Besides that, it is going as well as can be expected. Well, here are some picture that show what we have been doing for the past couple of weeks:
This is a picture of the second football game that I have attended. It was a UVA home game and they lost, but it was fun going with my dad, siblings, and a friend. 
            A photo of us on the way back from the movies. We went to see Ender's Game. I would not recommend it to anyone. Not that it is a bad movie, it is just very boring and would have rather waited to go and see a different movie. But it was fun going out with the family.
 The movie theater!
 Just a picture of a beautiful day outside!
We went with some friends from church to a concert at Liberty. It is a band called Passion. It was super fun and I recommend anyone to go and see them, if they are ever in your area. 
 Family outing. Went out to eat, went shopping, me and my sister got our hair cut (for the first time since about 3 months ago), and we went to the movies. All in all, it was a pretty great day!:) 
 At the UVA game!
Well, these are photos from the past couples weeks. It has been busy, fun, and tiring with school. I hope that you are all doing well, and  hope that you are enjoying this fall weather!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Still Here

         Well, as you can see I haven't blogged in a very long time. I am still here and will try to blog more often (than every nine months)
         Well since January, I have finished 10th grade, and I am now in the 11th grade. Over the summer I got a job at a grocery store. If you don't know this already, this was my first professional job. I have to say I was really nervous, but ended up loving it! I have a great boss and coworkers. I am still working, but only on the weekends because of school. I have enjoyed having money to spend and save! :) So, overall this summer was very eventful and taught me a lot!
        School so far is going well, but I have come to find out that I do not like geometry or chemistry. They are my least favorite subjects, and the two that I have to spend the most time on. School is going well for my two younger siblings also. My younger brother is taking Spanish this year, and likes it...I tell him to just wait because it is going to get a lot harder! :) He doesn't believe me of course, but we will wait and see who ends up being right.;)
       I hope that everyone is doing well, and hope to keep you all updated! Photos from this summer:


Saturday, January 26, 2013

Snippets and Snow

As you may know I have been extremely busy with school, church, and planning my birthday. 
So, we have been busy with school. As the second quarter came to an end, I had to finish papers, take test, and do exams. So, busy-busy-busy.
Birthday planning and Snow. So, we had our first real and heavy snow. It was beautiful, and fun to go outside and take some pictures. We have also been busy with planning my 16th birthday party which is the 27th of this month.  I cant believe how time flies by so fast. It feels like just yesterday I was seven, and playing outside with my baby doll. I still cant believe I was outside, play dolls. Good memories but very embarrassing. So, my sister Julia is back from Taipei, Taiwan, and is planning my party... from the decorations to the cake (everything). Which means, I don't have to do a thing. :) But here are some recent pictures of what we have been up to! (p.s. my mom's birthday was this week to) :)

 I hope that you are having a great Saturday! And enjoyed the Snow~
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